I fell in love with North Carolina. It's beautiful, I made new friends that taught me how cool hip hop can be, and how tasty soy meat is. Every single friend I made, it seemed that music is where we really connected. I loved being able to spend 2 weeks with one of my favorite people, only to come home and 9 days later-she gets to come and visit. SO excited. I heard things while I was in North Carolina that I can honestly say grieved my heart. It's so sad, to have a certain "impression" of someone, and to trust them with basically all of you, only to find out that they were NOT who they said they were. It's a horrible thing, that I trust so much. It really is. I've gotten beat up a few times emotionally because in my head, there is NOTHING that any of my friends can do wrong. We're human. Thank goodness that Jesus is God. Lord knows that I'd run out of patience REAL quick, and I'd be throwing down lightning bolts like nobody's business!

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